Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

should I call it auror or thunder??

18th February 2010
01.58 a.m

This insomnia is killing me. Got a phone call early in the morning and it make me still awake like this, should I call it an heavenly auror or a devastatingly thunder?
Still thank GOD I knew it, at least I could realize it sooner..

Honestly, I never thought what they were thinking of, but the fact is turn around up to 180 degrees far. So, why do I have to hold the fort??
Yeah, I know it will hurtin' me. But maybe that's the best way..

Already confuse with all the words huh?
maybe this lyrics can make you understand :)

If we could just be immobile for some time
And finally figure out the way we feel
About the missing puzzle pieces and cloudy question marks
It still looks a bit surreal

I wait patiently for all this time, get to understand each other, ameliorate my self, and accepted sincerely all the advantages and disadvantages of this person. After I got that phone call, I realized, that "missing puzzle pieces" will never in charge to one another. It kinda freakin' me out at first, but I have to face it. LIFE IS CHOICE
therefore we have to choose..

Je l'aime, but not like this. This is out of my expectation..
enough, I'm DONE..

4 komentar:

  1. gue sangat berharap lo lupain aja tuh orang.
    dia emang bawa segudang cerita indah buat lo..tapi itu PAST TIME.
    sekarang lo cuma selalu ditarik-ulur, diterbangin tinggi tapi abis itu langsung ditendang kayak kecoa.
    i'm so sure u'll have a much much much better than that jerk.

  2. gomel: iyeee maap2 bu guru.. modem gw abis pulsa.. hhaha

    henny: asiiik di follow, pastinya!! hhaha
    gw follow balik yaaa :)
    it's nice to now u henn :D
